Monday, April 16, 2018

Novel Presentation/Project

The End-Of-Novel Project (25%)
·        10% presentation,
·        10% essay,
·        5% novel packet.
·        There’s also a quiz on 05.07 testing that you paid attention and learned what the other groups taught.
Due: 05.07/05.09
Part I: Presentation
Description: Your group must analyze Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita using a critical approach. You will teach your classmates not only about the theory you apply to the novel, but also to the benefits of reading the novel through that lens. To do so convincingly and successfully, each group is responsible for performing a presentation that is at least 10 minutes long, but no longer than 15 minutes that intrigues, entertains, and instructs their peers on one of the following critical lenses:
(A)  Psychological/Freudian
(B)  Mythological/Narratology/Archetypes
(C)  Post-Colonial/New Historicism
(D)  Sociological/Marxist
(E)   Feminism/Queer/Gender
(F)   Eco-critical

Grading Areas:
 History and Background of Critical Approach (25 points) – The successful group will have thoroughly shown how their approach has been used to explain literature. They will have covered how and why it was founded and its benefits of being used; it will cite relevant and appropriate research, and best of all, they will do so while still holding their peers attention.
Application (25 points) - The successful group will convincingly and meaningfully apply their theory to the novel. They will walk their peers through a critical reading of the novel while illustrating both the value of the theory and the value of the novel. The successful group will use plenty of support and will guide their peers in an easy to follow, easy to understand way.
Creativity (20 points) - The successful group will bring something creative to help express their point of view and to help share their valuable findings.  They may play music, create a video, make a power point, host a game, produce a scene, assemble a panel of scholars, dress in costume, conduct a puppet show, guide us through an exercise, or prepare an enjoyable, helpful hand out (these are all choices students have made in the past). Surprise me.
Equality (5 points) - The successful group will share responsibility and every student will have an equal hand in the success of their group.
Presentation (5 points) - This isn’t speech class. At the same time, I need you to be as confident and as clear and as loud as possible. Do your best to teach us.
Question (10 points) and Answer (10 points) - The successful group will be able to answer questions posed by the audience in a satisfactory way; in turn, when the group is viewing other projects, they will ask intelligent questions. Part of these points will also be earned by your writing 5 test questions to be given to all of the groups after you’ve presented.
Part II: The Essay
This is, after all, a writing course.
Each student will be responsible for constructing a brief 2-3 page essay reporting the findings of their project. While the essay should and could stand alone, it is completely grounded by what you discovered in preparing for the presentation. The successful essay will:
·        Explain a literary lense,
·        Quote an expert and integrate secondary research in doing so,
·        Apply it to the novel,
·        Find a large picture take away that justifies why and how theory can be applied to fiction.

The essay ensures that every student independently learned something of value while working in the group. Think of it this way. Also, think of it as 10% of your overall grade and your third essay. After this, we have only two essays left, one of which is the revision project linked to you portfolio.

Part III: Novel Packet
Each day the novel is due, so is an exercise from the packet. It ensures you’re reading this novel thoughtfully and practicing critical close reading skills. Although each should be done according to the date attached, I will not be collecting any of it until the day your group presents. Having it done each day, however, will enable you to interact in class.
Note: Each day, come in with vocabulary circled you don’t understand or references that fail to land.
Before Day 1 (04.18): Take notes as you read in the form of a simple T Chart. Make at least ten entries. Write down a page number for each.
I read… (specific direct quotations)
I thought… (Thoughts and commentary and questions)

Before Day 2 (04.23): In your dialogue journal, write down 5 open ended questions about the text thus far. Answer one, using direct evidence from the novel, and practice writing an academic, formal paragraph.

Before Day 3 (04.25): I want you to do something artistic. You may use the computer or collage or draw with hand, but I’d like you to create a visual of a character or a setting from the novel. Push yourself to do something you haven’t before. Use your hands and your imagination to make the book tangible.

Before Day 4 (04.30):  In your Dialogue Journal, rewrite a scene from the novel from another character’s perspective. This piece will be shared and workshopped in class and can ultimately go in your portfolio. Bear in mind, Humbert Humbert is a highly stylized narrator. How would your narrator speak?

Before Day 5 (04.30): Bring in your Found Poem.
·        Definition: A type of poetry that is created by taking words or phrases from other sources (books, articles, etc.), and rearranging them into the form of a poem (usually free verse).
·        How to create a found poem:
1.     Your poem uses our novel as its primary source of inspiration, but you complicating that source by inviting another author from our course can be really excellent.
2.     Select a central idea, theme, or topic that will be the focus of the poem.
3.     Select words, phrases, or sentences from the text that convey your idea, theme, or topic.
4.     Rearrange the words, phrases, or sentences to form your poem.
·       The lines should flow and have a logical sequence.
·       You should not add words outside of those present in the quotes you have chosen.
·       Remember: poems do not always rhyme.
5.     Give your poem a creative title.
·        Guidelines:
·       The poem should be at least 15 lines long.
·       Use at least 10 different quotes from the book to select words, phrases, or sentences.
·       Utilize the secondary sources provide and feel free to find some of your own. Note: Your liner notes and quotes from discussion can be very fruitful.
·       Follow the steps on the “Found Poetry” handout to create the poem.
·       The quotes selected should be written on the following worksheet and turned in with the poem
o   Underline or highlight the parts of the quote that were used in the poem.
o   Use correct parenthetical citation.

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